The school catering team makes every effort to provide carefully balanced and nutritious meals each day and cooked meals are made on site and eaten in the dining area under the supervision of Midday Supervisory Assistants (MSA's) and teachers.
Dolce Schools Catering provide our school meals and there is a link to their website below.
Dolce Schools Catering
There are four meal choices per day, parents and pupils are able to pre-order their menu choice online through 'School Grid'. In addition to the choices there is also a salad bar provided daily.
School Grid
Packed lunches need to be sent in an appropriate strong, named container. Please do not give the children drinks contained in cans or glass bottles.
FREE SCHOOL MEALS - Are you missing out?
To find out if you are eligible and apply online go to or telephone 01609 780 780. An application form for free school meals can be found by clicking here.
Children are offered milk and a portion of fruit each day in Foundation and Key Stage 1 classes, as the school subscribes to the Government's 'Fruit and Vegetable Scheme'. For children in other years, you may wish to send in a mid-morning snack for break-time. We want to encourage our children to have good eating habits so please send in something healthy like a piece of fruit or a plain biscuit - do not send in sweets, chocolate items, crisps or nuts.
We have a number of children in the school who experience a severe reaction to nuts, Water Street School makes every effort to be a nut-free zone. Under no circumstances should parents send in snacks or packed lunches which contain any nut items, this includes peanut butter sandwiches, pesto sauce, bakewell tart and desserts that contain hazelnuts. Please check the pack of any items that you send into school.