Children working in classroom
Children looking at a map
Children playing outdoor

Year 4 are taught by Mrs Taylor and Mrs Armstrong

Miss Tariq and Mrs Gaunt are the class teaching assistants.

Welcome to Year 4!

We are an amazing community of learners. We help each other, we work hard and we learn how to learn!  

Our topics are many and varied, starting with our Autumn term topic of Invaders and Settlers.  We are studying the Anglo-Saxons and then move on to learn about the Vikings and see what influences we can find in our life nowadays that link back to these times. 

Working together and helping each other is a key theme throughout the year.  We work with many different children throughout the year and learn how to be a great team member.  We mainly study Maths and English in the morning and our Science, topic and art and design work fits into the afternoon curriculum in blocks.  We also study French once a week and, of course, P.E. for two sessions.   

We collect house points for good work but also for being a great role model and amazing learners.  We also have class Gogos (not Dojos!) that we collect when our whole class is doing an amazing job.  When the pot is full of Gogos, we get a class treat which were all chosen by us at the start of the year.   

We think you will be impressed by our super learning community – come and visit us!