Large sign saying water street primary school on the side of the school building

Our school community works together to create a secure, stimulating and happy learning environment where all pupils' needs are met and challenged regardless of gender, ethnicity, ability or background.  We want all our pupils to achieve their best, becoming confident individuals who make successful transition onto the next phase of their learning and into adult life.

In order to achieve the very best for our children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND), we work hard to ensure that:

  • we welcome and include all pupils into our community
  • we have strong, supportive links with parents and carers
  • we identify Special Educational Needs as early as possible
  • we follow an effective assess - plan - do - review cycle to monitor and track continuous progress
  • liaise closely with specialist SEND professionals who can support both staff and pupils

If you would like more details about our work, you can read our school SEND policy (see below), or follow this link to read our SEND Information Report.

You are welcome to ask further questions by contacting our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo), Kerrie Davis, via the contact page or by emailing our school office: