After School Care is provided @ Water Street by Out & About Care. This is based at Water Street, but it is run independently of school. Booking and enquiries regarding After School Care should be made directly to Helen Johnson - contact details are at the bottom of this page.
Out & About after school club runs straight from school until 6.30 pm every school day.
Our members of staff collect children from their classes and bring them together to club. We split the children by age with the younger children staying in the library area, this enables us to provide a more age appropriate environment and so they can access the outside area safely.
If your child is in Reception Class this year then Helen Johnson and Sally Reed will be your child's key worker. This means that they will be your main contact, will collect your child every day from Reception Class and try to be their familiar person who knows them the best, and can help them to settle in as quickly as possible.
Both Helen and Sally are qualified teachers and are also our senior members of staff, with early years qualifications, and at work every day, every week.
The older children go up to the mobile classroom in the top playground.
Once all the children arrive, we take a register and then have tea straight away. The staff will then offer a range of child led and adult initiated activities both inside and out. At 5.45 pm all children are brought together in the mobile classroom. They will be offered ‘supper’ and quieter inside activities will be encouraged until they are collected by you.
It is just as important to us that you as parents feel happy and settled as soon as possible and it is great if the children see us chatting and having a friendly relationship as soon as possible. Please ask if there is anything we can do, and we will try and make ourselves available at pick-up time wherever possible.
Every month we send out an invoice, this will come to your email address. Payment is expected at the beginning of the month, and all payment information will be on the invoice you receive. If your child is already in childcare you may be using childcare vouchers, I am happy to accept payment through this method. If you don’t yet use childcare vouchers please visit for further information.
The invoice is also a double check that your child is booked in on the correct days for the next month. Please double check the booking every month.
A registration form must be completed for each new child before they can attend the after – school club. This will be sent when your child is offered a place.
For further information or to register your child for September please email Helen.
Mobile Phone: 07799414577