Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” Edwin Hubble
At Water Street, we believe children should experience inspiring science that builds their understanding of the value and place of science in their lives. They should also understand that science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
Aims and objectives:
We aim:
- to develop the natural curiosity of children about the world around them;
- to engender a sense of awe and wonder with Science
- to develop questioning and enquiring minds through a range of enjoyable and interesting experiences;
- to foster a positive attitude to science and increase pupils’ understanding of how science is used in the wider world;
- to help children develop the skills to make systematic enquiries;
- to provide opportunities for children to apply theoretical ideas to the solving of practical problems;
- to provide a range of relevant experiences allowing pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in the key areas of Science.
- to develop the accurate use of scientific vocabulary;
- to meet the needs of each child so that they will reach their full potential.
We use a variety of teaching and learning styles, including visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approaches and strongly value learning that is practical and allows the children to take an active part in their investigations. Our teaching reflects our inclusive ethos, with high expectations for all children to achieve their full potential.
Class teachers work hard to ensure that their learning environment is stimulating and appropriately organised; the atmosphere is purposeful and all children feel safe. Class displays support and celebrate children’s learning in Science.