Hi, we are the School Councillors for 2024-2025.


Our Year 5 Councillors are Thomas W, Isabella, Jake and Alex. Our Year 6 Councillors are Violet, Victoria, Martha and Thomas H. Our Year 4 helpers are Rafi and Imogen and our Year 3 helpers are Wren, Alfie and Roscoe.

They help us make important decisions and they help bring their classes ideas to our ears.

We wish you a warm welcome to the School Council page, written by the 2024 - 2025 School Council!  We shake you warmly by the hand!  We are going to tell you a little bit about what we do, who we are and why we have a School Council.  Our mission is:

"To be the voice of the pupils of Water Street School"

We want our school to be a safe and happy place to be.

Being part of the School Council is a very important role as we have been elected to represent the pupils in driving through some of the changes that they want to see in school. We are the voice of the pupils at Water Street and work hard to make sure we are heard. We also take a lead role in being responsible for fundraising, raffles, fairs, etc.

We are committed to looking for ways to improve the school for all pupils and staff members. We are constantly looking to make school a better place as we think this will encourage the pupils to really achieve and enjoy their time at Water Street School. We manage this by having regular meetings with the representatives from each class, speaking in assemblies to let the school know what we are doing.

We have an art of the fortnight box where pupils can put their art designs following the theme chosen. We will then judge them to find the winner of the fortnight in each class and we will put the winners up on our display.

If anybody has any ideas, they can come to us and we promise to listen to each and every idea put to us and try to make them happen.

Last year's School Council were responsible for bringing about many changes.  They ran stalls at the Winter Fair, the aim was to raise money for the school to buy more exciting things for everybody. The challenge was that you had to name the teddy bear and if you won you would be able to take it home. They also raised lots of money for charity and they helped the recycling problems in our school.

We want to make sure that this year we do just as well, if not better!

Thank you for reading our webpage.

Have a nice day!