During a child's primary education they will undertake national assessments at set points, these are listed below. All pupils in schools across England will take these tests and schools are required to publish the percentage of pupils who meet the required standard. At the bottom of this page are links to our latest results.
National Assessments:
End of Foundation Stage (Reception Class):
Children are assessed against 12 areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum. They are assessed as 'emerging', 'expected' or 'exceeding'. If a pupil gains expected or exceeding in the 12 prime areas of learning, they are said to have gained a 'good level of development' sometimes referred to as GLD.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check:
Children in Year 1 are assessed to check their phonic knowledge as part of learning to red. The phonics screening check takes place in June each year, each pupil sitting with the class teacher to read 40 phonically decodable words. Te pass mark is set by the Department for Education and is published in early July, it is usually around 32 out of 40, but can change. All schools have to publish online the percentage of pupils who 'passed' the phonics screening check.
Year 4 Multiplication Check:
This check is a 'quick fire' multiplication test that is undertaken online.
End of Key Stage 2 Assessments (Year 6):
These are sometimes referred to as Year 6 SATS. Pupils are assessed in reading, writing, maths, spelling, punctuation & grammar. All these subjects (with an exception of writing) are assessed in formal test conditions and test papers sent away for external marking. Writing is assessed through class work and looking at writing examples within pupil's books, this is then externally moderated.
Pupils are assessed as working towards the national standard, working at the national standard or at the higher level.